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This font is based on one of the fonts used by the Apple ImageWriter II dot-matrix printer.
Included with this font are the basic Greek alphabet and the Japanese Katakana lettering.
Made public on 2010.10.30
2014.04.15: Small update includes combining diacritic marks; this was done to circumvent a but in some Mac programs where the accented characters wouldn't appear correctly after typing in Option+N then N, for example.
2013.07.16: Slightly changed the appears of the 5 character in the superscript, subscript, and numberform characters.
Last updated: 2013.05.04... This font was taken down briefly mainly so I could bolster the font by adding several new glyphs -- including superscript and subscript numbers, fractions, and even some image images that you'd expect to see on your computer screen.
(Dates based on California time.)
Update for 2016.01.03: Added a near-complete Latin Extended A character set, as well as adding some extra characters elsewhere.
Update for 2016.01.27: Altered the "delete left" and "delete right" charaters and added a Numero symbol. I also repositioned the Section symbol; I'm surprised at myself for not catching its skewed placement in comparison to the rest of the glyphs in the font.
Looks like a GBA font.
I love your ImgWriter fonts! I'm working on an ImageWriter II simulator to be hooked up to retro computers, and i'll be using your fonts for testing with it. :D (ie, hook up a serial cable to your Apple IIc, run the software on your modern machine, and print something from the IIc, and it comes out as a modern format.) :D
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