Published: 11th November, 2013
Last edited: 20th November, 2013
Created: 2nd November, 2013
Alphabet design developed for my UWE project. My chosen theme was vibrations I decided to look at morse code and see how messages are transmitted leading up to my design. Im always open to feedback. This is a clone of Vorse
Published: 28th October, 2013
Last edited: 9th November, 2013
Created: 27th October, 2013
First attempt at designing my alphabet for my UWE Module. My chosen theme was vibrations. I decided to look at morse code and create letterforms from dashes. I would appericate any constructive criticsm for me to develope my design better. Some letters still need tweeking.
Published: 18th November, 2010
Last edited: 23rd November, 2010
Created: 18th November, 2010
This is pure international morse code, with all of the spacing correct to international standards. There are now punctuation marks.