The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
thumbs up!(y)
nice work.. btw.., itu.., huruf 'k'nya ketinggian lengan atasnya..
Nice! :)
Nicee fonts. cmn k kecilnya kayak K besar
yee terima kasihh. k nya udh tak benerin :):):)
Nice !
bagus dan konsisten goodjob....
good work (y)
this typeface is really cute, good job :)
Great typeface! *ThumbsUp*
kerennn! wkwk
Good job. Nice fonts. I like this! :D
sudah bagus, konsep nya unik, dibuat satu set font keliatannya bakal lebih keren
nice font!
Lucu kecil gendut" fontnya
unique typeface
cute font! goodjob
kereeen! Asik banget font nya
Wihhhhhh like likee likee nell!! Gooddd jobbb :)))
Good work :3
nice and consistent!
a little fix on the 'k' x-hight would make it perfect!
Bagusss!! XD
Bentuk hurufnya lucu, lengkungannya bikin keliatan chubby wkwk
menurutku huruf T besarnya terlihat terlalu beda sama yang lainnya :D
overall good Job, !
nice workkk!!!!
nice work nell.. :) udah konsisten cuma sayang huruf k nya ndak proporsional dan kalau bisa pakai lebih banyak brik biar bisa di variasi lagi tapi offerall bagus
oee bagoss
Nice and simple! Good job
nice works nell!
cute font! goodjob
bagus fontnya simple tapi menarik. nice!
Kerenn, simple, dan enak dilihat
Goodjob !
Well-shaped, and consistent! Well done!
Good work!
bagus nell
bagus nell
good job!
bagus fontnyaa, tp yg c kecil itu menurutku terlalu nutup sih. Overall rapi n keren ^^
bagus nel , tapi space huruf k sama l kejauhan
nice job nel.. :)
fontnya bagus dan sudah konsisten secara keseluruhan :) nice job
konsisten, rapi, good job!
Nice :D
NICE.... sudah konsisten GOOD JOB
k terlalu sempit deh kayanya but good job!
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