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❤️❤️❤️! STOP THE WAR??!
very nice!
@elmoyenique: how I would like it to happen. And the war itself never started. This is the worst event for both countries in their history. War does not solve problems, it brings them. War forever divides people, and this happens even in Russia, between those who are against the war and who do not want to feel guilty about it and believe in President Putin. While most people I know wouldn't want this war, I wouldn't either. Now it is more difficult for me to be proud of my homeland, I considered myself part of a peaceful nation, which was proud of the victory over fascism, but for the whole world now this is not so.
It's terrible to be in Russia and not understand why we need all this, to feel powerless, but in Ukraine it's even worse. People, their future and territories have become toys in the hands of big politicians. I hope that humanity will learn to communicate and negotiate without killing people because of some ideas of some powerfull people.
@Dmitriy Sychiov: I fully support your opinions and take them as my own. Thank you very much for sharing them and for your enormous sincerity and courage. Warm regards, compañero.
Amazing and heartfelt work! Stop war now!
This war is already lasting 2 eternal months! STOP IT, IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY!!!
Translation: "Stop war now!"
The war in Ukraine had caused a lot of destruction and devastation, and had an affect on the economy of other countries, especially prices of gas…
Let me make that bigger...
and... WHOAH
"Sniper: The White Raven" (Снайпер. Білий Ворон), interesting Ukrainian film set in the conflict with Russia.
@elmo: Very cool, but i am too lazy to do anything so.......
More than 200 days of war and 300,000 mobilized men in Russia who will go to a war that has no end in sight. How many of them will not return to their families? Are state borders still more important than people's lives? People living in these territories who themselves would like to stay in Russia? Considering, how much weapons are supplied to Ukraine, this is a war not only with Ukraine. P.S.: in the photo above, the band t.a.t.U., whose performance in these t-shirts before the Iraq war on American TV cannot be watched on youtube, they also have a not very famous song Yugoslavia.
(@meek: Sorry. Wrong cyrillic. Delete the first picture, please.)
@meek: Thanks a lot.
Storm type foundry
I must warn you about the font above - the money is not going to help refugees, but to arms the Ukrainian side. My family is also refugees, but from Tajikistan, when there was also a civil war there. The collapse of the USSR brought a lot of troubles and conflicts on ethnic grounds around Russia.
Great patterns :)
note: pic from my KOLLY font in 2011 fontstruct
it is a TP, prepare for kids to comment random stuff
Будь ласка, ради Бога, Росії, зупиніть війну!
Ми зайшли надто далеко для нашого блага, і, можливо, навіть для вашого. Нехай Бог благословить Америку за їхню участь у наших зусиллях.
From the perspective of Ukraine...
I love how the wheat and sky form the flag of Ukraine xD-
Bethink Yourselves!
by Leo Tolstoy, 1904 (How well this describes our times.)
Impressive text, which corresponds to an enormous writer and great person, Tolstoy. What words so well expressed, what ideas so forcefully conveyed... He received multiple Nobel Prize for Literature nominations and Nobel Peace Prize nominations; the fact that he has never been awarded any of them is a huge incomprehensible controversy that the Swedish Academy never corrected.
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