Published: 23rd October, 2014
Last edited: 23rd October, 2014
Created: 5th October, 2014
This typeface has been created based on the theme 'Mobile'. I tried out a wide range of experimentation when it came to producing hand rendered work, as I felt I needed to work out what would best capture the general sense of the word. I initionaly thought I would use the aspect of being free and having my letters being very fluid. I thought road systems along with way-finding signs interested me more and I used the basic shape of the arrows used on the motor way signage in the UK. I experimented with curves and different shaped arrows but I settled on this because others made it too playful.
Published: 23rd November, 2013
Last edited: 22nd February, 2014
Created: 13th November, 2013
Slightly inspired by architaraz's Arro and Cmunk's Ribbons & Banners. Suggestions are very welcome. Thanks and enjoy!
UPDATE: 2/22/14 The punctuation was overhauled, and several letters changed. V1.1