I like making fonts, and I am very sad that it has taken me this long to find this site.
Fontstructing since | 26th September, 2019 |
Fontstructions | 20 shared, 0 staff picks |
Shared Glyphs | 2322 |
Downloads | 114 downloads made of this designer’s work |
Comments Made | 15 |
Based on a pattern from _The Priscilla filet crochet book; a collection of beautiful designs in filet crochet, equally adapted to cross-stitch, beads and canvas, with working directions_ by Robinson, Belle; Priscilla Publishing Co (1911) p42. This version adds minuscule letters and basic symbols, and much simplified to emphasize the "holes" from the inspiration, removing side flourishes and flowers(?) that were the main elements of that design. To see the inspiration go to https://archive.org/details/priscillafiletcr00robi/page/42/mode/1up
For years this font existed as only a few letters to make the phrase, "Embrace the Power of AND," as part of a cross-stitch gift for my best friend, who died of cancer shortly after it was completed. It was our motto and still is mine. If asked, "Cake or ice cream?" the proper response was that motto. I decided to complete the font, recently, and Fontstruct proved to be ideal for the purpose, easily preserving the pixelated look of a completed cross-stitch. The font design was inspired by the works of Charles Rennie MacIntosh.
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