by Em42

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Started with letters defined by a zigzaging marker, and ended up with letters defined by a folded ribbon.


WOW very nice font and original.

nice output at small size too.
Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 5th october 2010
Comment by Em42 5th october 2010
Smart use of vertical scaling to delineate the ribbon’s ‘front’ and ‘back’. This makes your beautiful, hand-colored sample possible.

The other approach, of course, would be to break the foreground and background into two layers – as two distinct fonts or a complementary upper and lowercase. Two-tone effects would be so much easier to achieve and to work with (as long as the fontmortar keeps all other metrics consistent). As well, further creative possibilities of using just one layer would be on tap.

I trust you already went down that road in some fashion, and decided instead to offer subtle alternates in the lowercase (also keeping this competition entry to just one fontstruction), allowing more varied title settings. If you are firm on this approach, maybe flip the letters that stayed the same between upper and lowercase (vertically for C, E, and I – T can be flipped horizontally – S and Z could also be alternated with a bit more effort).

Great entry with some cool details. At pixel size it has a convincingly rustic ‘plank’ effect like painted letters weathering away on an old wooden sign. The zigzags at larger size feel very ‘eighties’ to me. This might make this very popular with the kids. ;)
Comment by William Leverette (will.i.ૐ) 5th october 2010
@Upixel: thanks for your comment!
I like the way it renders at pixel size as well.
Comment by Em42 5th october 2010
very cool font and nice effect. i can see this being used for happy new year but need the ! :)
Comment by funk_king 5th october 2010
@Will.i.ૐ: wow, thanks for your detailed comment!

The vertical scaling is very small indeed (0.98), and i preferred this approach to the two layers so that the font may work standalone as well.

I tried to do the alternates as you suggested, flipping letters (or flipping the zigzag for letters such as S and Z), but as their zigzag was opposite to the main direction used in all the other letters, alternates included, it looked like the font was loosing consistency.
Comment by Em42 5th october 2010
Comment by LexKominek 5th october 2010
Wow! This is very cool.
Comment by aphoria 5th october 2010
This mornings live page is chock full of delightful entries. It is pleasurable to no end to see such detailed and beautifully crafted letters in the previewer. The sample makes it that much more of a beauty to behold. Bravo.
Comment by thalamic 6th october 2010
Very Cool. So many nice shapes.
Comment by djnippa 6th october 2010
=== (Keyboard error, I beg your pardon) ===
I've started the Handmade Challenge saying: "I'm sure, in the coming days we will see many happy FS fonts better than this..." You all are greats!
@Em42: Marvelous work and marvelous font!
Comment by elmoyenique 6th october 2010
Comment by caliopigio 7th october 2010
Thanks to all for your comments!

@Funk_king: upon your request, the exclamation mark is on the way!
Comment by Em42 7th october 2010
Comment by Em42 7th october 2010
A time-lapse video of the sample making-of is available at the House42 blog.
Comment by Em42 7th october 2010
Comment by funk_king 8th october 2010
@Funk_king: I join you in sending the wish to all the contestants! :)
Comment by Em42 8th october 2010
Great concept and execution! very creative!
Love the time-lapse video of the process
Comment by Axel Leyer 8th october 2010
this is absolutely superb!
Comment by laynecom 9th october 2010
@Axel_Leyer: thanks! We realized we could do a time-lapse video with an iPhone and the Gorillacam free application just a few hours before preparing the paper sample, so it was really an experiment (the tripod was a folded piece of cardboard with a cut to fit the iPhone!).

@Laynecom: Thanks!
Comment by Em42 10th october 2010
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “Riba” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 19th october 2010
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “Riba” is now a current Featured FontStruction.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 19th october 2010
i doubt my primitive sample swayed the judges much, but i had a hunch on this one :)
Comment by funk_king 19th october 2010
i almost forgot, congrats :) a magnificent achievement and worthy in every regard.
Comment by funk_king 19th october 2010
I più anziani le mie congratulazioni a voi e gli altri vincitori... e per gli altri insegnanti in FS: Sei grandi, persone! Si tratta di un divertente invidiabile per me condividere il mio tempo con tutti voi. Grazie!
My biggest congratulations to you and the other winners… and so to the rest of FS masters: You are greats, people! It’s an enviable fun for me share my time with you all. Thanks all!
Comment by elmoyenique 19th october 2010
@Meek: Thanks!

@Funk_king: thanks, and thanks for your sample. As a way to wish good luck to all the contestants, for sure it brought good luck to me as well!

@Elmoyenique: your congrats in Italian are really appreciated - even if the automatic translator babelfished some words, it did it in a nice way!
Comment by Em42 19th october 2010
Io non parlo l'italiano, ma ho trovato, penso, un bel modo per festeggiare il premio a voi. Vi chiedo di perdonare i miei errori quando uso la vostra bella lingua.
I do not speak Italian, but I found a nice way to celebrate this prize to you. I ask you to forgive my mistake when I use your beautiful language.
Comment by elmoyenique 19th october 2010
Congratulations! I really love the original paper sample. Great font!
Comment by Tylo 20th october 2010
how did you make it??
Comment by Skye-Steph 22nd november 2010
@Tylo: thanks!

@Skye-steph: the font was possible thanks to composite bricks to create the diagonal sections, and vertical scaling to create the thin horizontal gap.
For the paper sample just check the video at the House42 blog.
Comment by Em42 23rd november 2010
so awesome...u tha best..thumbs ups..
Comment by mattys-0 29th november 2010
whooooa this is good! my fonts suck. :P good job
Comment by im_a_pickle 4th january 2011
Comment by Rude4dude 4th january 2011
The 3dness of this is PWNage. Seriously, I love this.
Comment by Nimblethumbs 7th january 2011
Amazing dude! More punctuation would be nice, maybe a comma (,) , a question mark (?) , and quotes! (") Then it would be great! Thanks, and awesome font anyway!
Comment by asup759 8th january 2011
This is AMAZING!!! How to do it???
Comment by fontmaster116 9th january 2011
Nice! I like it! ^^
Comment by sanggameboy 15th january 2011
8O Someone close my mouth for me! This is the best font I have ever seen. Can you comment on my ones, yes, YOU!
Comment by ExtremeFontMaker 15th january 2011
very pretty!
Comment by evaa 31st march 2011
Riba, together with Ziti, will be featured in Typodarium 2012.
Comment by Em42 28th april 2011
Congratulazioni, Maestro!
Comment by elmoyenique 2nd may 2011
@Elmo: Thanks a lot, but Maestro is too much! :)
Comment by Em42 16th may 2011
Comment by Em42 19th august 2011
Félicitations ! this is great
Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 19th august 2011
Lol awesome! Now where can I get one of these? :P
Comment by Ken Bruce (crispycraker) 19th august 2011
Very nice, Em. =) Now it just makes me sad that I didn't partake in this project. :(
Comment by geneus1 19th august 2011
@Upixel: Thanks!

@Crispycraker: Thanks! You can click on the image to get more details: the calendar is on sale on the publisher's Web site.

@Geneus: Thanks! The hardest part was to "reserve" one of the 366 available days before the others did! :)
Comment by Em42 20th august 2011
This is a great design concept, great work. Congratulations to the Typodarium 2012 page. 10/10

Why can't we make a Fontstruct only calendar?
Comment by Frodo7 20th august 2011
Many congratulations on your Typodarium pages.
Comment by p2pnut 20th august 2011
Your pages are simply beautiful, Em. Congratulations!
Comment by William Leverette (will.i.ૐ) 20th august 2011
very nice
Comment by CoolButterySun 5th january 2012
Comment by 03lalwanig 6th february 2012

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