by Sed4tives

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GROOVERIDER — 70's future retro display sans
Grooverider is another groovy looking display style with that distinctive 70's retro aesthetics.

The concept for the lettering is that of a solid future retro / space-age style with inversed-stress.  It's reversed weight contrast adds some additional groovin' funkyness and good old boogie wonder flavour to the font's overall characteristics. Making it somewhat of a hybrid mixture between two distinct 70's and 80's retro styles.

Simple at the surface, but rather complex down at the Editor level, since the letterforms have several tailor-made geometry and curve shapes. Pulling off some glyphs without disrupting the (near) real Bézier curve geometry was tricky I must say. Like for example the joined letters such as lowercase Æ/Œ, question mark, @ sign, number 2 digit, percent sign and lowecase letter S all proved difficult. But also some unlikely ones that are typically pretty straight forward now were trickier within the font's parameters. But I'm pretty satisfied with the end result so far. Little to no compromising imperfections slipped into the design,  one or two real minor ones are present, but only truly become noticeable once the size is fully blown up.

It was very fun to make though, I hope y'all like it...



Comment by Sed4tives 10th november 2023
Comment by Sed4tives 10th november 2023
Comment by Sed4tives 10th november 2023

As you can see, except for the upper right corner circle segment brick no core-default curve geometry was used in the shown glyphs. This became somewhat the norm for this design. There are 3 or so more core-defaults in there somewhere, but the gross majority was all  tailor-made round contours.

Comment by Sed4tives 10th november 2023

Someone who reads what you write here will be surprised that you enjoy working so much, especially on things that "seem" few people will appreciate. But I want you to know that some of us here (and I hope there are many of us) value every minute of your dedication, every hour stolen from family, friends, fun, sleep...! Thank you for this (and your appreciated descriptive samples)!

Comment by elmoyenique 10th november 2023
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “STF_GROOVERIDER” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 10th november 2023

Congrats again, compa!

Comment by elmoyenique 10th november 2023

Thanks everyone...

Comment by Sed4tives 19th november 2023

I want to download the font

Comment by NayefAljahdalitheawsomefontmaker 2nd december 2023


Comment by نايف 15th december 2023

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