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Obviously suggestions for improvements are more than welcome :-)
Nice! Waiting for this little kern.
Thanks elmoyenique :-)
Suggestions on the worst offenders in terms of kerning?
This is a piece of beauty
clean font, although lowercase and uppercase as if from different fonts. what about a more square version of lowercase letters with an open aperture? also, it seems to me, you can change 1 and 7.
@Sed4tives Thanks :-)
@Dmitriy Sychiov Yes, that is the problem using curved bricks: there is no way to scale them between uppercase and lowercase. In this case (!) my main focus was designing the lowercase, and then trying to come up with a serviceable uppercase.
As for |1|7|, how would you change them?
Dear riccard0: I already know that many of the aspects related to the kern are completely personal and are often design choices. When I told you about the small details of kern, I was thinking about the daily use that I make of a font and what I personally miss in it (nothing essential, knowing the kerning adjustment functions that most modern editors of text usually have). With that being said, let me tell you what (IMHO) you would need a few kerning looks at in this beautiful work: A bit further apart are the YA, LT, LY, FA, PA, YA, LW, and LV pairs. Also missing is increasing spacing for almost all accented vowels (uppercase and lowercase) that come after W, V, Y, T or P. Most European languages use this kind of vowels. Finally (much less important) the trios ifi and iti or pairs like Zw and Zv would have to be more studied; and there will always be something more to add, I'm sure. I add an image to visualize it. I repeat again that I understand that most of these details are design choices, I am only expressing here my humble opinion and my aesthetic ellections. Thank you for being so kind and responsive. Pretty samples, BTW.
The work about kern never end...
6:00AM NO-GI
Congrats on the TP!
@meek Thank you for the TP!
@elmovenique Thank you very much for the pointers on kerning (some were oversights, at least one was an error, all of it is very useful). I am trying to implement as much as I can, revising the basic spacing in some cases. You are right: kerning never ends! (I wish there could be a command, like that for copying glyphs to accented characters, for copying spacing values...)
Wow! absolutely love this font, great hairline type.
Can I make a comment. on the lowercase "t"
I will add length on the crossbar to the right so that the glyph is more balanced otherwise I have the impression that he will roll and fall on his back ;)
on your last sample look at the words "Ligthness" or "two" to see what I mean
@Michel Troy Thanks! As for the |t|, I see what you mean. I already tinkered with the spacing, and enjoy the almost-connected-script appearance (plus, I am somewhat compelled to keep the |t| and |f| crossbars at the same lenght), but, as soon as I am at a satisfactory point with the general kerning, I will take another look at it.
Delicate but solid work.
@four Thanks!
you should add hebrew, arabic, greek and cyrillic
I completely missed this beautiful font. (Where was I?) Light, elegant, and trendy. 10/10
@Frodo7 Thanks!
@lucapri Ouch! I suppose I could try with Cyrillic and Greek, but surely I wouldn’t know even where to start with Arabic and/or Hebrew.
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