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@thalamic - This design is absolutely mesmerizing; something is wrong with the vertical and horizontal hold being pinched/drawn towards the center. Almost like an optical illusion... :^)
I'm with Goatmeal. Impressive creation, Master! (Great level, and we're just starting this Comp... ?. Every year it gets harder to compete.)
Almost looks as though its been tied a little too tightly together 10/10
@Goatmeal: Thanks. I love limitations that force things one way of another. Giving in is liberating.
@elmoyenique: Thanks. The first version of this font was first started on 16th October 2017 which actually had a square box around each of the glyphs. I have 4 other versions of this font in various stages of development. So many choices. This is the least complex version.
@tortoiseshell: The inter-glyph gaps are exactly two nudges off; the extra-glyph gaps are exactly two width line reduction off. The initial idea was for the perimeter curve in the glyphs to form a wedge when two of them are put next to each other. Ideas evolve. I go with whatever seems appropriate when patience runs out.
I'm not sure how someone with OCD would react to this, great font though, and great concept.
Great work, I love the handmade feel to the modular approach.
Congrats, Master thalamic!
This reminds me of Ellsworth Kelly. Very nice.
looks like the london 2012 olympics logo, lovely work
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