The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
Superb! Stilettos, chrome and leather. Boxy, but Sexy AF 10/10
Welcome back, Will.i.aum
@ Rob
Thank you for the TP : )
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why are there no lowercase letters?
@GideonMax The lowercase are the uppercase without holes...
Aged fonts are cool too!
WHY ARE THERE HOLES IN UR **** TEXT???????????????????????????????????????????????????
@K!● :-))
@_Kio I'm pretty sure the holes in the Capitals were intentional... Also, please don't say the F-word...
@ Kio: #1>a question or comment needs no unsuitable language #2>tag says BROKEN hence holes are an essential design element #3>designers know what they want to show, need to convey, or might have been asked to create or use
What's the point of making fonts you can't download?
@KyooshiFonts, so that the designer can save them in their personal library of fonts or just sell them away :|
I do not understand the trouble. Thank you Rob for the content correction, thank you all for the commitment/discussion and the nice comments.
@Kio: Sorry, Pardon? What do you want to tell me? What are you thinking? Show me something you've got!
@kyooshiFonts:Mrs. Beate might ##have contracts to create fonts and requires peer review ##make fonts for customers>she protects copyright ##create fonts to sell for earning her salary>why give fonts away and lose income ##want to inspire and teach us
I like his fonts...
I admire Beate's skill and vision; sheinvests a lot of time and typographic understanding in her fonts. All the fonts she creates are completely novel, clearly she is a talented designer and obviously successful in her work.
I wonder when he wil will the holey numerals for this font...
will add*
Why! Can I Download Please
It literally says: “Please do not request download access or license changes in the comments” right above the comment box!
Heavy sans serif font with some twist. Letters A, N, V, M, and W break the monotony with sharp angles. The upper case letters are sprinkled with random imperfections, just enough to give them realistic texture. Full extended Latin character set including the Estimated (℮) and Partial Differential (∂) symbols. Impressive. 10/10
@Frodo: I am touched and I am really speechless about this beautiful description and appreciation of my font. Thanks for that.
Happy New 2021 to you too, Maestra! ❤️
Thank you very much Elmo, let's hope the best for the New Year!
Happy New Year, beate! Thanks for posting! Your collective greetings with other FS veterans (along with elmoyenique, and Frodo7) gave me inspiration to release something to start off the new year. May 2021 bring creative empowerment to this community and continued inspiration from the style, class, and professionailty projected through your creations!
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