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Btw, is that word "Бетон" spells "Beton"? That word is in my language, that means "concrete" too! (Check it on Google Translate)
Very interesting if Indonesian, Kazakh, and Russian have many same words (& meanings)... Nice to know your languages :)
Awesome font, 9/10.
@Rahi-Tak: Thanks for the comment! Actually I don't have any designing programs like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, or anything else except the default one --> MS Paint :P
But I get an idea to design using MS PowerPoint! You know, for making presentations... I set the paper to portrait than I print-screen it and move it to MS Paint. Voila!
Great work; 10/10.
@U126 // Wait — .png is the best format? And to think, all this time I was using .gif! Thanks for that info!
@cablecomputer // Wow, you make the amazing samples with just Paint and PowerPoint? Incredible.
.png pros:
1. Always do a perfect, ungrainy image (I believe it's because it saves the data of each pixel?)
2. Can have alpha values (transparency)
.png cons:
1. Only .gif images can be animated
.gif pros:
1. Be used to make animations
2. Can have alpha values
However, .gifs also have an odd way of saving colors (you can see this when changing the file-type in MS Paint.)
.bmp pros:
1. Also saves perfect, individual pixels, akin to the .png
.bmp cons:
1. Has a HUGE file size (Almost double .png!)
2. Can't save alpha values.
You really want to use different file types depending on the occasion.
.gif is usually only for animations
.png is usually for everything except animations
.bmp is for anything that can't handle .png images (like desktop backgrounds in vista)
You have phenomenal samples, cablecomputer! Whether or not the finished result is grainy. :O
Random fact: The print screen key takes a .png screenshot.
Many thanks for your continuous supports!
And thanks for the information about images!
Hope this helps.
@four: Thanks for the suggestion! I'll try.
@will.i.aum: Thanks for the comment!
@elmo: Thanks mate! Your supports and appreciations are always means a lot to me :)
Thanks, for the comments!
"Otaku" (with one K) also means "geek" in Japanese...
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