by Goatmeal

Download disabled

The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.

Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.

If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.

An alphabet worthy of Q*bert; he could successfully complete each letter and number designed here as an individual game board. The punctuation, however, is another story...


Comment by Goatmeal 28th september 2011
Nice one GM! A lot of effort and a successful outcome ... what more can you ask for? 10/10
Comment by p2pnut 28th september 2011
@p2pnut - As always, thanks for the kind words! Just having fun here, playing with my blocks... :^)
Comment by Goatmeal 28th september 2011
er :-)
Comment by thalamic 28th september 2011
This is huge. A font made of small cubes which are composed of pixels. 10/10

Have you tried the Voxelart Project?
Comment by Frodo7 28th september 2011
@thalamic -- What a terrific use of "old" pixels! Thanks for sending the website along.
Comment by Goatmeal 29th september 2011
@Frodo7 -- Thank you for the kind words, and for the website. I had never heard of the term "Voxels", but after doing some reading about them, they are quite fascinating.

I originally designed a set of three small, non-pixelized blocks as a template. However, the small template size caused the top block pattern to "overwrite" parts of the adjoining blocks. This would have forced a tremendous amount of "touch ups" for each glyph, and make the "copy-and-paste" of the pattern too cumbersome. In the end, making them out of pixles was found to be the most efficient.
Comment by Goatmeal 29th september 2011
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “Qbet” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 30th september 2011
@meek - Thanks, Rob! As always, 'tis a great honor.
Comment by Goatmeal 30th september 2011
This lively FontStruction downloads well enough, but I am having the strange experience where it will not load in any of the preview widgets. Can you see it on your end, GM?
Comment by William Leverette (will.i.ૐ) 1st december 2011
That’s funny; must have been a flash glitch on my end. As soon as I posted that comment, the preview widget loaded this one just fine! :-)
Comment by William Leverette (will.i.ૐ) 1st december 2011
It wasn’t only on your side, Will, I had the same glitch.
Comment by riccard0 1st december 2011
Hmm, most intriguing. I do have a surprising amount of plug-in crashes involving flash, Safari 5.1.1, and a MacBook Pro. But this was something else entirely.

Still, I think it is time for me to migrate back to Firefox – to compare flash stability, to increase privacy options, and to support open-source!
Comment by William Leverette (will.i.ૐ) 2nd december 2011
I've just moved from Firefox to Safari because of Firefox running slow, draining memory, and constantly crashing.
Comment by djnippa 2nd december 2011
@djinippa: Aye! That’s a pretty strong argument against Firefox. I assume you were using the most up-to-date official release (8.0.1 looks to be current) as opposed to a beta or release candidate.
Comment by William Leverette (will.i.ૐ) 2nd december 2011
@will.i.ૐ - Looks OK on my side, and I'm using FireFox.

Granted, it's the IBM-clone version; FontStruct and Videos/YouTube seem to work much better (and faster) with FireFox than IE... :^)

(Hope I didn't break your Interwebz with this font! There are so many other, vastly more complex FontStructs out there that I would imagine would cause much worse loading problems; perhaps it's just the occasional FS Server hiccup?)
Comment by Goatmeal 2nd december 2011
@GM: Loads pretty quickly for me now. I can’t explain why the server might hang. It was not working (for me and riccard0 it seems) for days, coming up as “done loading” but with a blank glyph-space. And then as soon as I commented, it refreshed – good as new. I was starting to miss your design! :-)
Comment by William Leverette (will.i.ૐ) 2nd december 2011
re: Browsers. I have been using Avant for more than 10 years. It is free, stable, fast, resources light, very customisable. I am able to trim down the space taken up by bars (at the top) so that I have the maximum useable area on my monitor (see image). It also has a handy feature that I have yet to find on any of the other browsers (and I have tried most). To navigate between pages you can use the mouse ... hold right-click and hit left to go backwards and vice-versa to go forwards. No more having to move up to those pesky arrows at the top of the browser :)

I have no connection with Avant - just think it is the bees knees amongst browsers.

Hope you don't mind me using your comments page GM (I have already commented on the design above - and I still think it is great).
Comment by p2pnut 2nd december 2011
@ Will. Yes, I'm on 8.01. Using Snow Leopard, although neither of them would let me Preview a font yesterday. Without crashing with Flash problems (latest version is installed). It had all lost all of the alterations I had made. Very frustrating. I now Save before previewing. I'm sure it's just an update problem, that will hopefully be resolved. Stability is the key.
Comment by djnippa 2nd december 2011
Wishing to find in a character the symbol of the litle man of that old game!!!
Great yet nostalgic font
Comment by dagaherz 8th january 2012
@dagaherz -- Already done. Please see letters Q, R & S from my video game dingbat font, "The 1st Six Yrs 1of6"

The 1st Six Yrs 1of6

There are 5 other fonts in the complete set of 6, all full of video gaming goodness!
Comment by Goatmeal 8th january 2012
Aaaah, a font fit for a Video Game addict like me! Very nicely done!
Comment by jphturtle 6th september 2012
@jphturtle - Thanks for the kind words. This one was a lot of fun to work on -- once I figured out exactly HOW to make it a reality! :^)
Comment by Goatmeal 6th september 2012
Nice job! As a big fan of cube/retro/pixel fonts, i give you a 10/10!
Comment by Noah F. Ross (winty5) 10th november 2012
@winty5 - Thanks for the kind words!
Comment by Goatmeal 10th november 2012

Boing, boing, boing, boing, boi....@#$%^&! =)

Comment by Moviefan2k4 21st january 2019


Comment by Marty.C 30th january 2021

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