The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
i would say mostly it was luck that it worked out the way it did :) perhaps behind the luck is really the luck of the grid - sometimes good sometimes bad. or either way you make it work the best that you can. but i will post a couple of pics to try so show what's going on.
My two cents: I would consider calibrating the letterspacing (maybe shortening some of the connectors) and the width of some glyphs (e.g. the "e" has a wonderful shape but seems wider than most the other glyphs).
Anyway, a very nice design!
@em42 - thanks for your remarks and suggestions. i ended up shortening most of the connectors and thus tightening the script. also, although i was kinda digging the fatter e, your suggestion works fine. both are improvements and thanks again.
how do i favorite a font? i found how to rate them, and how to d/l, but not how to favorite.
Meek, cloning is not working for me. i tested this file and although the cloned file shows the characters, it doesn't show glyph count. i haven't checked to see if the file actually works. i think it does, but will check that also. without any glyph count it appears fontstruct will not really publish the font although it appear it has, but it never shows in the live stream. usually it's a matter of seconds before a font appears there. has anyone else had any problems with cloning? maybe it's just my files or certain ones.
@funk_king It’s just the glyph count. It’s a bug and will be fixed in the next update.
cool. thanks.
A lovely font, somehow it reminds me of the cotton wool balls I threaded on knitting yarn to use as garlands in trees and bushes for summer birthdays. Really cheerful. 10/10
j'ai besoin de coeur pour faire battre le mien
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