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AKROY is a tiny readable font from a 2x2 grid. First of all I try as possible to use no Stack and Composite but at a certain point I had to take advantage of FS2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The influence is comming from a mix of genre of a same period 1920~1930: European and russian posters, Art Deco fonts mouvement. I imerge myslef by passing in review over an hundred of posters and close everything to modestly create this font. ~~ UPPERCASE: use Diagonals ARSVXYZ LOWERCASE: Mostly Square everywhere ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ here it'is not for promoting a site but use as a reference of those masters typographers and graphic designers of the 20's and 30's. ~~ http://www.internationalposter.com/search-results.aspx?defaultview=browse&title=Art+Deco&style=Art+Deco&page=1


Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 2nd july 2010
I cheat on this last Sample, I simply put my font on an existing poster. credits for design: Dorival, Georges - Vers Le Mont. Blanc-PLM 1928
Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 2nd july 2010
Excellent work - especially on such a tiny grid. 10/10
Comment by p2pnut 2nd july 2010
thank you p2pnut, First of all I did'nt want to publish it was more for me to explore a period and a genre. Of course I'm aware this genre won't be in the FAV of youngers ;)

I'm quite happy with the result regarding the parameters I impose to myself: 2 by 2 grid, less composites possibles and a particular genre.

I'll push an another sample to show the versatility of this font
Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 5th july 2010
Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 5th july 2010
Cette fonte aurait certainemnent pu être utilisée par un groupe de musique industrielle des années 80. Son parfum très Europe de l'Est, l'inspiration des vieilles affiches constructivistes magnifiant l'ouvrier et la machine, tout aurait plu à cette scène musicale. Bon travail. Puissamment nostalgique.
Comment by Abneurone Fluid Types 5th july 2010
@NE: Merci pour tes références je ne connaissais pas cette tendance des années 80 en Europe. Je vais me renseigner sur le sujet.

as-tu un nom de groupe en tête pour démarer mes recherches ?
Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 7th july 2010
Par exemple, Test Dept, Laibach, Esplendor Geometrico, Sprung Aus Den Volken, SPK, Einsturzende Neubaten...
Comment by Abneurone Fluid Types 7th july 2010
WOW tu devais aimer le genre si tu en as une liste aussi longue ;)

Merci je regarde ça, ça me semble très intéressant!

thank a lot for the constructivist references
Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 9th july 2010

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