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Looks great!
@Daymarius - Very nice recreation of the logo! :^)
Speaking of Pac-Man, it was originally called Puck Man in Japan, but it was changed for United States in fear of vandals changing what the text said.
Nice recreation of the font of this Classic.
@Bryndan W. Meyerholt (BWM) - What would be wrong with "Pick Man" ? ;^)
@Goatmeal The company feared that players (for lack of a good word) would vandalize the machines to spell out something that was offensive.
@Bryndan W. Meyerholt (BWM) - Just kidding. I know the "real" word. ;^)
@BWM: Luck-Man?
Congratulations! More Pac-Man things are to come.
what? that's one of my favorite game characters of all time
pa(< man
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