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the sample is in progress, but i think i have to re-think it ...
do you have any suggestions for a fontname instead of hausfraktur?
You've taken a brilliant font of yours and made it brillianter. I love it. I'm going to go have sex with the @ now.
@ squarePeg
Thanks for your suggestions
what do you think of "breed"? or maybe something completely different ("monty"?)
Hmm... HausBreed.
Lets get a room for thalamic so they can spend some quality time. :)
And because i think you're german:
ich mag echt alle deine sachen.
leute, wie du sind völlig zurecht auf dem weg in/in diese/r branche.
deswegen schick ich ma dicke lobhudeleien ausm pott!
weiter so, da kommt bestimmt noch einiges!
thanks for your great feedback.
i appreciate it much!
i just changed to HAUSblend
(a new sample is on the way ...)
maybe spending some quality time until 2032 would be a good idea ;.)
nice word. never heard that before.
your comment makes me weak in my knees! :)
Schön, dass Du da warst!
Das ist Balsam für meine Seele.
Vielen Dank.
wo im Pott bist Du denn Zuhaus?
Ja, den Font hatte ich auch schon auf'm kieker, würde schön in mein portefolio passen :) hab's aber gelassen.
Try This
Übrigens: feines Buch - verwirrend.
Beste Grüsse nach Recklinghausen
that link is really close to the book title!
and to that book:
i think you need to be a woman to NOT being totally shocked :P
I love black letter and this work is GREAT Bravo
Thanks for the comments. I appriciate them much.
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