See tm ADHD 01
This is a clone of tm ADHD 2aSee tm ADHD 01
This is a clone of tm ADHD 2bSee tm ADHD 01
This is a clone of tm ADHD 2aSee tm ADHD 01
This is a clone of tm ADHD 01This turned into a whole series when all I was trying to do was simple 3×3 oversized pixel font. One tiny modification to try and fit some glyph into the established structure led other glyphs to conform to the modification. As a general practice, every time I make a modification to a completed glyph, I make a copy of it first. When enough glyphs were conformed to a/the modification, I moved them off to a clone.*
While working on the clone, some new tiny modification would generate glyphs that were similar but enough different that it warranted it's own clone. And so much that the naming scheme had to be changed a few times as well.
And the series is not even all that good. But once an idea hits...and the FontStruction is easy to do... it might as well be "completed". There are 9 versions of tmADHDs at varying states of completion at the time of first sharing.
*This is an over-simplification of the process. What actually happened was that the first iteration ended up with what looked like three similar-yet-distinct styles so I made two clones of the first and deleted glyphs of the first style from the second and moved glyphs to uppercase of the ones that seemed to belong to the second style and added new glyphs to flesh out the style. Did the same for the third. Lots of back and forth between the three iterations to ensure none were left behind or inadvertently deleted. Still there were enough individual glyphs left that I didn't know what to do with. Then I created a fourth clone and moved the left-overs to it. Which later turned to fifth and sixth clone. At some point the thought occurred that tmADHD2 doesn't need to be as wide so it became tmADHD2a and the narrower iteration became tmADHD2b. And so on.
Strokes will be vertical and horizontal now «also not sure if anybody thought of this 3-brick sized circle before.» comment “Viewed” if you’ve been looking at this fontstruction
Acheived letter milestones:
Codepoints that are done:
Basic Latin
Latin Supplement
Latin extended-A
Latin extended-B