Published: 29th May, 2019
Last edited: 29th May, 2019
Created: 15th May, 2019
An alternate slightly taller "a" is on the "µ" and another "x" on the "\". Kerning of really obvious pairs will be done. I'm showing this only because it's a clone that automatically replaced the compos, stacks and standard bricks with the square brick.
A while ago I mentioned encountering the swapped bricks and weird (=51) brick quantity in another cloned version of this design. At first I felt frustrated but then I thought it might work out as a useable font. Without the surprising swap there'd be no Romaeo as a pixel design!! Now I think the glyph shapes look really good with pixellated edges, I'd not have worked a chunky Romaeo into a pixellated chunky Romaeo. Proof that there might be unexplained and unwanted brick problems which don't deserve to be forgotten or deleted as the design can be used to develop a quite acceptable font.