A recreation of a pixel font used in Rise of the Triad, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, and other mid-late-90s MS-DOS games and installers by 3D Realms. Contains basic latin characters. Works best at 6px and multiples thereof with no anti-aliasing.
Published: 10th October, 2013
Last edited: 22nd March, 2018
Created: 10th October, 2013
A recreation of a pixel font used in Duke Nukum, Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, and several other platform games by Apogee. Contains basic latin characters. Works best at 8px and multiples thereof with no anti-aliasing.
Published: 10th October, 2013
Last edited: 1st September, 2020
Created: 10th October, 2013
A recreation of a pixel font used in Jill of the Jungle, Kiloblaster, and several other platform games by Epic Megagames. Contains basic latin characters. Works best at 8px and multiples thereof with no anti-aliasing.