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Looks like the picture I created did the trick; I tried to think of every prominent graphic style from the 1980s -- my teenage years:
-- Small repeating pastel patterns against a white background? Check.
-- Use of large geometric shapes? Check.
-- Liberal use of primary or pastel colors? Check.
-- Black-and-white checkerboard pattern? Check.
I had a lot of fun with this one, trying to figure out what to do with the 90° corners. Luckily, the corner of the L was rounded, pointing out the solution to me.
Yes, cassette tapes, video game arcades, Intellivision, VCRs, TRS-80 Color Computer... the good old days. :^)
Looks preety cool!
Wow I never took notice of this one.. awesome rescue!
BTW: Thanks for the reference in your other comment, I included the glyphs to replicate the Walkman logo into my BLAUHAUS (Plus) fontstruction..
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