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Menu font from the early Sierra SCI games (1988-early 1990s). Also included in the Resource Files of many later SCI games, even if it was not actually used within those particular SCI games (early 1990s-1997). Includes the Sierra Logo and specialized characters: "IV" from KQ4; "IV" and two "III" characters from SQ3; and "LSL3" from LSL3. All Resource File variations appear to be based on the font designed for the first SCI game, "King's Quest IV"; the same "IV" is present in every version (except SQ3) at least through the second-to-last SCI game ever produced, "Rendezvous with Rama" (1996). Sierra Resource File Tags: "0.fon" ; "1.fon" ; "300.fon" ; "2106.fon" ; "font.000"
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