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Clone of FS Mini which started as an alternative with UC & filter set at 2 to gain half brick positions. I changed the filter to 1.78 after not being satisfied with it & got amazed by the possibilities. Even when I came to some brick limitations I found myself redesigning some glyphs to abuse them of these new found possibilities & maintain a certain harmony within the whole set.
All this filter stuff going on ... I'll have to get my head aroun it.
Not sure about glyph abuse though ... sounds dodgy to me :)
Here's a small sample.
I'll delay releasing mine.
I knew I had to choose my words more carefully to explain myself better. I meant I found myself using the brick combo over & over again... poor glyphs.
A philosopher once told me: Ideas are like worn coins: they come around from everywhere, passed from hand to hand & sometimes you spend them, sometimes you lend them.
I do not take this the wrong way at all. Quite the opposite, I think it shows that we have influences & perspectives alike: we might create something that might like or inspire the other on our own & be creating similar things as a result of this. We are following our own trend unconsciously, so to speak.
I like your samples & dig how you solved some situations in a different matter. That's also very enlightening when you been pushing bricks the same way.
Looking forward to see your FontStruction released.
The whole category of stencil typefaces seems to be evolving nicely. I used to associate stencil typefaces only with things like the military, construction, and DIY punk rock but many contemporary stencils (like this one) are, dare I say...cute.
As for the lines I thought playing with horizontal cuts would be quite more interesting than the typical vertical ones. The option for which one went up or down was chosen with the a and e; that line actually helped their terminals so I use that stagger pattern all around to give it some flow. I only doubted it with the s since the traditional flow of this glyph would be counter-wise, but it would have lost the roundness it preserves this way, so there I had 2 good reasons to keep up with the choice of stagger for it.
And than you, Gustavo: Pink suits it nicely.
Nice work.
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