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"Samoa" is another bold typeface experiment where I used the filters (1.6). Looks striking to me although I´m not sure about Z, 4 and 7...How do you like it? Write a comment!


Comment by Magic Sam 17th august 2009
I like it a lot.
I would only change the & to look less like an 8 by not letting the upper arm/loop to touch the lower bowl, but you have the final word.
And that is quite an eye catching sample :)
Comment by cayo 17th august 2009
Thank you, Cayo!
You can also use that quote/sample on FB if you want ;-)
Comment by Magic Sam 17th august 2009
That's great.

I really haven't started to get my head round all this filter wizardry ... it's all clever stuff :-)
Comment by p2pnut 17th august 2009
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “Samoa” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by gferreira_admin 19th august 2009
big but gentle. this set has a very organic and subtle feel - especially nice for such a bold font. your use of filters is seamless. very striking yet understated. congrats.
Comment by funk_king 20th august 2009

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