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An old idea from the early 2010 put in their original colours. The lowercase repeats the same coloration from the uppercase changing the position to improve the artistic view of the typing words changing some letters. Just a silly font, enjoy it please. And Happy New Year 2022!
An old idea from the early 2010 put in their original colours. The lowercase repeats the same coloration from the uppercase changing the position to improve the artistic view of the typing words changing some letters. Just a silly font, enjoy it please. And Happy New Year 2022!
@elmoyenique - Congratulations on the well-deserved top pick; the colors definitely enhance this style when you only have 18 bricks to employ (9 top / 9 bottom). The L/l and 7 are a little hard to distinguish; perhaps the top of the L/l should be its bottom, and the bottom of the 7 be straight? This would balance out the legibility (at least to me). Cheers and Happy New Year!
@meek: Thanks a million for this new pink distinction, dear Boss. I'll wear it with great pride remembering the best of my early work at FS. Happy New Year!
@Goatmeal: Happy New 2022 to you too, compañero! I'm seriously thinking about your suggestions about L and 7. There are also some other "hard to read" letters, like U or W, that I'm working on. Thank you for your always constructive and kind comments once again.
@elmoyenique - OK, here are a few more. I realize these [might] go against your design style...
• The leg of the 7 looked too chunky and could be mistaken for a numeral 1, so it's more narrow here to set it apart.
• Your design has a single, unified piece at the top and bottom, but my U has two separated parts at the top.
• Your design also does not use/rely on "pointy" ends, but here is a W (and alternate M).
How did you do that???
@STC You must be a patron to create color fonts. You can read more about it here…
@Goatmeal: Thank you so much for your great suggestions! Working on it.
A few modifications added in L, M, U, W, l, m, u, w & 7.
Makes me think of Omega Mart
? All in Omega Mart are Willie Nelson.
subtractive primary, same colors as the pan pride flag!
8:03 31/12/2022
@lucapri: ¡Gracias, igualmente!
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