
by Echo Heo (bluemon)

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Non-unicode Devanagari clip font. It uses the same layout as KF Kiran fons. bha dha tha may look prettier if you use danda instead of a. The design of the letterforms were inspired by Ranjana script


Comment by Echo Heo (bluemon) 13th june 2021
Comment by Echo Heo (bluemon) 13th june 2021

The reason I am not using unicode codepoints is because ligatures and diacritic placement are crucial in Devanagari, which are not supported by fontstruct. 

Comment by Echo Heo (bluemon) 13th june 2021

Great work, former Drawceptionist!

Comment by Hensley Dodson (Hensilly) 13th june 2021

Use the Private Use area for ligatures, half-forms, variant forms, left-facing diacritics, and other stuff.

Comment by erictom333 14th june 2021

using a pre-established tradition of clip fonts is better than making a half-unicode supported font, because it is easier to type (because it's literally latin and latin extended) and I dont think I can access PUA via vanilla fontstruct

Comment by Echo Heo (bluemon) 14th june 2021

I made it a clipfont for a reason. I was just clarifying because the last time I made a clipfont someone commented how useless it was to be a non unicode font and how devanagari is fully supported in unicode and how unicode was fully supported by fontstruct. However this is not the case. Devanagari ligatures are not optional like latin, where you can easily read texts that dont use ligatures. Devanagari ligatures are an essential part of the writing system and cannot be substituted with simple rendering. If I were to use PUA for half forms and conjuncts, it would be much bothersome to type, because conjuncts occur very frequently in Devanagari. I chose to make a clipfont for a reason and I have considered all options I could think of, and clipfont was the best option I could think of. I am not looking for encoding ideas.

Comment by Echo Heo (bluemon) 14th june 2021
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “Saghana” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 14th june 2021

I can't read it at all...but it looks stunning visually.

Comment by minimum 14th june 2021

something about making curves in a grid just tickles my brain, great work! i also wish ff can provide more detailed control on ligatures and diacritics, in the POJ hokkien romanization theres this O͘ letter, which does not exist as a single code point in unicode, and plus the tones, theres also the eighth tone mark ◌̍, tonal languages like this requires combining diacritics, without the option for anchor, at least one of G̃ and g̃ has to look weird, i think its such a shame

Comment by JingYo 15th june 2021

This is like Cooper Black but in Devangari

Comment by 2BoysYou2be 15th june 2021

@JingYo It’s a big set of challenges, but improving support for non-latin scripts is a priority for the next year.

Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 17th june 2021

Same. I'd like to see better diacritic placement, including supporting Indic diacritics placed to the left of letters.

Comment by erictom333 18th june 2021

This is so beautiful!

Comment by four 25th june 2021

शान्ति नगर चा राजा

Comment by Ajay96 6th july 2023

शान्ति नगर चा राजा

Comment by Ajay96 6th july 2023

The KF Kiran fonts link died. I wonder if the layout can be provided as a sample?

Comment by Bryndan W. Meyerholt (BWM) 22nd october 2023

layout here

# ऽ
$ त्त्‍
% ऱ्‍
& ज्ञ्‍
* ॐ
+ ह्य
0 ०
1 १
2 २
3 ३
4 ४
5 ५
6 ६
7 ७
8 ८
9 ९
: ः
= हृ
A अ
B भ्‍
C छ
D ड
E श्‍ (above variant)
F फ्‍
G घ्‍
H ह्‍
I ी
J झ्‍
K ख्‍
L ळ
M ं
N ण्‍
O ै
P ऋ
Q ध्‍
R ृ
S श्‍
T ट
U ू
V ॅ
W क्‍
X क्ष्‍
Y ष्‍
Z ढ
[ इ
\ ्
] ka/ru/etc right leg
^ stemless rakar
_ repha
` rakar
a ा
b ब्‍
c च्‍
d द
e ए
f फ
g ग्‍
h ह
i ि
j ज्‍
k क
l ल्‍
m म्‍
n न्‍
o े
p प्‍
q थ्‍
r र
s स्‍
t त्‍
u ु
v व्‍
w ळ्‍
x space filler
y य्‍
z ठ
{ उ
| ।
} ruu vowel
~ त्र्‍

È ङ
É ञ्‍
Ê marathi ल
Ë connecting ्य
Ì older श्‍
Í ऌ
Ñ न्न्‍
Ò द्य
Ó द्व
Ô द्ध
Õ द्द
Ö द्म
× ट्ट
Ø ट्ठ
Ù ड्ड
Ú ड्ढ
Û ठ्ट
Ü ह्र
Ý ह्म
Þ ़
à ॑
á ॒
â ₹

Comment by Echo Heo (bluemon) 12th may 2024

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