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Based on a font that I made years back, this “Reverse” contest has been a good excuse to revisit that project and fine tune the letters heavily. Here the challange has been using a single brick, in the case the arrow pointing back, and making the shapes bold and (ok, you have to squeez your eyes a little) legible.
A font that advanzes at high speed ;) this is a clever design, legible with half closed eyes, very eye catching. I can also read it when I look at the white space which is the opposite to normal reading. Good luck :)
Thanks for the comment Aeolien. Glad you liked it. Good luck to you with your font creations too!
And another sample in action.
Effective use of a single brick!
It's legible at small sizes and playful at large. A solid work.
Thanks @four and @architaraz
OK, is this a joke!? I can't even read the letters! Sorry, but I can't rate this up.
I can make the letters out...
Mahir, you need to almost close your eyes if the letters are large; or you reduce the size as on the red banner. This is a competition entry and it's supposed to be "something not usual".
Based on a 3x5 matrix (with 5x5 fallbacks). Cool effect!
Thanks dpla.
B.t.w. a funny fact: if you clone the mirror of 'FS REW', you get your avatar… (?) ;-)
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