by laynecom

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Oh, I know there's a lot to do here. The problem is that everything that needs to be done can't be done in FontStruct. Apart from that, there is a purpose in every flaw that is apparent in this typeface. I will post some outline images below to illustrate that. If I have the time and the money I'll buy a Mac and Glyphs and finish this one in a few years... ;-)


Comment by laynecom 16th october 2015
First flaw: the stems of A have different thicknesses. You can see that this is due to the fact that I wanted to have semiround feet and needed to use a squashed semicircle for that.
Comment by laynecom 16th october 2015
Second flaw: I know that the tildes are much too heavy. If you have a different solution, I'd be more than happy to use it. Making everything half the size would result in dismissing the rounded ends.
Comment by laynecom 16th october 2015
I'm one of the biggest fans of FontStruct and appretiate very much the piece of work Rob Meek put up here! Here's another shot of a ligature, more will follow.
Comment by laynecom 16th october 2015
Comment by laynecom 16th october 2015
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “Vinil” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 16th october 2015
Thanks very much for the TP!
Comment by laynecom 16th october 2015
Very legible - exellent results within the constraints of this medium.
Comment by p2pnut 16th october 2015
Flip /A. you're good. 10/10 otherwise.
Comment by EvanFonts 16th october 2015
You worked hard for the TP ..... congratulations :) I'm speecless, it looks elegant and hides all that incredible patient stacking you did. I'm speechless. 11/10
Comment by Aeolien 16th october 2015
Wow! great work (again) Laynecom
very complex bricks and the result is very good
Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 17th october 2015
@EvanFonts: Flipping the A would be fine for balancing the right handed strokes, but would require flipping the rounded edges for the entire font.

@Layne: Thanks for showing the FS limitations that would otherwise be unnoticed in this advanced fontstruction. Here are some optional tilde designs.
Comment by geneus1 19th october 2015
Beautiful soft terminals, a very fine font. The level of complexity is astonishing.
Comment by four 22nd october 2015
First of all: Thank you for all your comments.

@EvanFonts: geneus1 is right. Unfortunately, this won't work.

@geneus1: Will try your suggestions, thank you very much.
Comment by laynecom 26th october 2015
Comment by laynecom 30th october 2015
Really cool. That's one of your best fonts.
Perhaps the "space" is a little bit too big (but that's just my personal impression).
Comment by beate 30th october 2015
Very nice. :) Personally, I prefer the angled tilde, i.e., #3 in the image above, as it matches your larger one.
Comment by TCWhite 2nd november 2015


Comment by James Holmes (HolmesType03) 24th september 2020

Beautiful font, 10/10. In reference to your 5 year old description: you don't need a mac, money, or if you want to edit this font professionally — as long as you already have a computer. FontForge is an open-source cross-platform font editor that you can download and use freely. I recommend it.

Comment by user-juli 25th september 2020

Excellent 10

Comment by James Holmes (JCEH-TV 3) 13th september 2022

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