The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
This is a gothic lombardic font mixed with uncial style (X-XIV c) -only capitals and numbers and a few other glyphs here-, all very curved in a modern way. You can find some alternative gliphs at the LC, very useful in a lot of words. Glad if you like it.
PS: Dear four, you lives near the roots of this font in my dreamed Éire. Thanks for your wondeful gift and this one is for you, compañero.
(Coffee break)
Fantastic font, hard to believe something like this can be done in small scale. 10/10
This is truely beautiful and how you manage this level of elegance in such a small grid is fantastic. Bravo!!!
Perhaps it's time for a new Featured Fontstruction. :)
All my deepest respect.
Bravo! it's impressive
Couldn't believe this was made with FS at first :)
Wow! I beg your pardon! I will apologize to everyone for taking so long to answer your very kind comments. You all are the best of FS, my dears Yatja & four & CMunk & Frodo7 & p2pnut & ETH & aphoria & geneus1 & beate & LexKominek & laynecom & Upixel & winty5! Thaaaaaank you veeeeery much my frieeeeends...
@meek: And thanks a million to the boss for this very special TP.
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