zeamróg eYe/FS

by elmoyenique

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"Seamróg" is the irish-gaelic word for "shamrock"/"clover" in english (= "trébol" in spanish). This is an gothic lombardic font mixed with uncial style (X-XIV c) -only capitals and numbers and a few other glyphs here-, all very curved in a modern way. You can find some alternates at the LC. Glad if you like it.


Comment by elmoyenique 23rd august 2015
"Seamróg" is the irish-gaelic word for "shamrock"/"clover" in english (= "trébol" in spanish, a beautiful word, you see, who represent all in one the three leaves: "tré-" = 3 the numeral and "-bol" saying "-fol" [you can find the same root in words like "fold" or "folio"] = hoja. Ehem, sorry for the spanish lesson).
This is a gothic lombardic font mixed with uncial style (X-XIV c) -only capitals and numbers and a few other glyphs here-, all very curved in a modern way. You can find some alternative gliphs at the LC, very useful in a lot of words. Glad if you like it.
PS: Dear four, you lives near the roots of this font in my dreamed Éire. Thanks for your wondeful gift and this one is for you, compañero.
Comment by elmoyenique 23rd august 2015
After two months living without the Live Stream of FS, tomorrow will be a very hard and grateful day for me commenting the big number of greats fonts you've published here during this time. Sorry for the lot of comments that I want to write, but you all are so specials.
Comment by elmoyenique 23rd august 2015
Better now in the Live zone?
Comment by elmoyenique 23rd august 2015
Amazing! By the way I'm another account that j4s13 can use.
Comment by EvanFonts 23rd august 2015
Thanks a lot, j4s13!
(Coffee break)
Comment by elmoyenique 23rd august 2015
Welcome back!
Fantastic font, hard to believe something like this can be done in small scale. 10/10
Comment by V. Sarela (Yautja) 23rd august 2015
Good to see you back here and what a beautiful font, unlike anything done at fontstruct before!
Comment by four 23rd august 2015
Fantastic font. I love the exaggerated serifs and the very good use of the new bricks. The only slight imperfection in my mind is the sharp turn before the tails of letters such as A and N. Here is my suggestion for a smoother transition:
Comment by Christian Munk (CMunk) 23rd august 2015
Beautiful uncial Gothic capitals (if I'm correct). Built on a small grid, it's a masterpiece of fontstructing. Bravo. 10/10
Comment by Frodo7 23rd august 2015
Only see you PS now elmoyenique. This is the most beautiful thing. You are an inspiration. A thousand thank-yous!
Comment by four 23rd august 2015
Like it?????? I love it!!!!!!!

This is truely beautiful and how you manage this level of elegance in such a small grid is fantastic. Bravo!!!
Comment by p2pnut 23rd august 2015
Nothing to be said but:


Perhaps it's time for a new Featured Fontstruction. :)
Comment by ETHproductions 24th august 2015
Wow! This is great stuff. :)
Comment by aphoria 24th august 2015
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “zeamróg eYe/FS” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 24th august 2015
Very Wow. I almost couldn't believe that it was such a small scale. I like the letters as they are, but following CMunk, here's my alternate for the letter A.
Comment by geneus1 24th august 2015
Great? - no - Fantastic design!
All my deepest respect.
Comment by beate 25th august 2015
Wonderful! Love how small this is!
Comment by LexKominek 25th august 2015
Comment by laynecom 31st august 2015
WOW this font is a piece of art
Bravo! it's impressive
Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 17th october 2015


Couldn't believe this was made with FS at first :)


Comment by Noah F. Ross (winty5) 29th november 2015

Wow! I beg your pardon! I will apologize to everyone for taking so long to answer your very kind comments. You all are the best of FS, my dears Yatja & four & CMunk & Frodo7 & p2pnut & ETH & aphoria & geneus1 & beate & LexKominek & laynecom & Upixel & winty5! Thaaaaaank you veeeeery much my frieeeeends...

@meek: And thanks a million to the boss for this very special TP.

Comment by elmoyenique 9th january 2016

Comment by elmoyenique 9th january 2016
Comment by elmoyenique 9th january 2016

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