Mionta Redux

by Neoqueto
Cloned from Mionta by Neoqueto.

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After so many years, thanks to the amazing nudge feature it's been finally possible for me to recreate Mionta, my 2010 SportsComp entry, the way it should be. No awkward faux-Bézier this time around! It was very fun and a bit challenging to arrange all the bricks together so that they form 16 times smaller versions of the original characters. I did alter some letters and characters however. The ampersand was especially ugly in the original version. I also changed the look of the period (as well as the dots in colon and semicolon respectively). The positioning of left and right quotation marks was my conscious choice, it's a bit more aesthetically appealing to me that way. Double quotation marks are also sort of more ornamental and can serve a purely decorative purpose (this is also why "<" and ">" look the way they look - similar idea). And the percent sign, I love it so much that I think I'm going to marry it. Due to FontStruct's limitations, diagonal lines in K and N couldn't be preserved. Also, tracking isn't as tight, because we can't go below -1, but I think it's a good thing in this case. Just like before - make sure to try out fake italics! More fonts to come in very near future. Changelog: - minor corrections - & was still a little bit off - bar in lowercase t is now a bit raised ^and that renders the sample picture outdated, fantastic.


Comment by Neoqueto 22nd june 2015
A really lively design - I like what you have done to it.
Comment by p2pnut 22nd june 2015
Fresh & cool indeed!
Comment by V. Sarela (Yautja) 23rd june 2015

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