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The end of summer is always sad, but autumn will be beautiful, I promise.
Look at some interesting alternatives in the lowercase glyphs.
Spanish class: ¡Muchas gracias compañeros por vuestro contínuo apoyo! ¡Es por esto que me gusta FS! = Thank you very much companions for your continuous support! This is why I like FS!
"Zí, zí, eh mu zenzilla"
@great p2pnut: ¡Gracias, mae*tro! (= Thanks, ma*ter!). Spanish class.
@1saac: No se si te acordarás de aquella Maria-Isabel que cantaba algo así como "Antes muerta que zenzilla". Gracias compa.
@architaraz: Thanks, compañero, but you are the best in the "short distance" fonts. I'm zure to add this to "Jazzure" (zorry for the zilly joke). Glad you like it.
Consider the alternatives below. 10/10
Consider the alternatives below. 10/10
Consider the alternatives below. 10/10
@Master Frodo7: I'm with you, as usual. For this font, I want an "i" a little more high than the rest of glyphs, because the big dot; but I liked your solutions, and I'm trying to converge them in the sense of the font. Here I put you a sample, what do you think about the solution on the middle? It's the better option, IMHO.
@ETH: you're welcome, pal.
@meek: Thank you very much for this new and special TP, boss!
@1saac: Gracias, compañero. El humor siempre es fundamental en la vida.
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