70's Style Overlap 3D *FS

by SymbioticDesign

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LICENSE STIPULATIONS: ===================== 1. Not to be used for, in the execution of, during or in the planning of a crime. The original artist does not contribute to moral stupidity. 2. If shared, distributed, and/or redistributed, it should be as the original archive, with all the files available, complete and intact. 3. Not to be sold, ever, alone or as a part of a larger collection without the expressed written consent of all the authoring parties. 4. License Stipulation for this Font Concerning Modifications: Furthermore, the modification, adaptation, appending, alteration and enhancement of this font are allowed as long as the 2 joined DP Trademarks remain complete, unaltered and intact within this font as the 2 replacement characters in the Specials group letter set. HISTORY: ======== This is a pet project I have been mulling over for quite some time. This is how I used to design my posters in high school, with overlapping print. I think I got in this habit after checking out one of those "Keep On Truckin'" Posters. Of course, these were done in sort of a balloon style, and that's what I would do as well. As p2pnut points out, this was a Robert Crumb inspired font. Though it is different from what he did, it is my goal to eventually make one similar to his cartoon type. So it will probably take a couple tries for Me to get it just right, but I don't think this is a bad start. There are, of course, some special challenges associated with doing this kind of thing that the pen easily makes up for. I decided to use some faux shadowed edges to allow the underlying character to work with the overlap of the F, P & R. As I am sure you can tell, the first letter of every word should be capitalized. Then, all the other letters in that word should be lowercase unless there is some punctuation such as a hyphen or apostrophe that will break the letter connectors. So of course you would then have to capitalize the following letter and can then go from there with lowercase until the next word (or word break). This one will be share/use/modify Freeware that retains my Copyright as the original artist once I release it. August 21st, 2013: OK, Getting ready to release it as Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Freeware (maintaining My Copyright). Clone it, alter it, modify it, add to it, subtract from it. Come up with a better and-sign, etc... Added both parenthesis, the capital O with a slash through it, and a pretty horrific and-sign. Everything but my 2 logos (sitting in Specials as replacement characters) was intentionally done as an outline font (using the tools available in the FontStructor, of course). I think this one is actually quite usable for some 70's style posters and projects, though it remains a work in progress as I might add some more shadowing as a part of the theme. I've tried it out at very small and think it is still legible as a 12 pixel font, though I would really recomend keeping it big and then have fun coloring in the letters. Although not quite a full Basic Latin Letter Set, the main characters are there, plus I threw in a ©, TM, TEL, and SM. Added the Registered Trademark Symbol. Decided to take on the shading and made it a sort-of isometeric 3D font. August 22nd: Still finishing the shading. Alright, at first I kept everything very legible. But as I did, I lost that overlapping effect. But this font isn't meant for 12 pixels. It's meant for poster headlines. So I skinnied it up a bit, making the lowercase letters look more like they are resting underneath the previous letter. When you print the word "Little" (as an example) it is still legible, but a little cryptic at the same time. All the isometeric 3D shading is fauxed in. That is, I had to play with the shading in order to make this work. Sometimes the shading is at one angle, sometimes another. Sometimes the shading goes on too far (in the P, p F, f) just to give the next letter a place to connect to, a place to rest under. August 23rd: Renamed to "70's Style Overlap 3D" and edited the underneath shadow of the bottom plane of the top of the curl of the question mark. Updated my logos to reflect the style of the font. I think I'll stop messing with this one now unless someone sees something that needs to be addressed. Feel free to download, clone, modify, etc. Just be sure to give me credit for what I did. I would appreciate it if my logos remained in tact, there are all sorts of other places to put your logo as a contributing author/designer/artist. Thanks for your support!


Comment by SymbioticDesign 23rd august 2013
Comment by SymbioticDesign 23rd august 2013
Nice one! - So. you are a Robert Crumb fan as well ... I used to use Mr Natural as my avatar years ago :)

btw 10/10
Comment by p2pnut 23rd august 2013
Thanks, p2pnut. Robert Crumb... yeah, I remember that name! Who could forget, right? ;) Thanks Again!
Comment by SymbioticDesign 23rd august 2013
Beautiful! Nice work. It's a bit like graffiti. 10/10
Comment by Noah F. Ross (winty5) 23rd august 2013
Thanks, winty5! This one evolved pretty far from where I started. I like how the overlap seems to create different versions of the same character. Hopefully I can expand on that in some future project. Thanks again and have a good one!
Comment by SymbioticDesign 23rd august 2013
Oh, one more thing, I think the numbers would look better connected.
Comment by Noah F. Ross (winty5) 23rd august 2013
Yeah, I hear ya, but I pondered that a lot. The numbers don't have an upper and lowercase, so they would be a bit strange when it is the first or only number. Plus, as soon as you add commas and periods, then you have breaks that require a new 'capital' number, as well.

Maybe someone else could take that one on, but I think the style that would be required to do that would not meld well with what is there now.

Perhaps someone will clone it and take on that challenge? LOL.
Comment by SymbioticDesign 23rd august 2013
I like especially the uppercase, because IMHO the lowercase needs a little bit more work on it. But my 10 is 4U.
Comment by elmoyenique 23rd august 2013
Like I said, this is a good first try. The problem is that in order to make the lowercase look like it's resting under the previous letter, it has to be skinny, or the whole font has to be widened, on both legs. So that really means the font uppercase should be nearly twice as wide, which would allow me to double one leg of the lowercase (or 1/2 of it) and then eek out a little wider for the other leg/half of it.

The problem there is that it would then be disproportionate, so I have to double the font height, at least, so that I can work with a proportional font. And I kind of have a different project in mind at the moment, but I will be trying again soon.

Thanks, elmoyenique!
Comment by SymbioticDesign 24th august 2013

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