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There are a few minor inconsistencies, in my opinion:
1. The upper dot of the semicolon ought to be as high as that of the colon.
2. You have made dots of two different sizes. I understand that the spacing is complicated by your use of the 2 by 2 filters, plus the odd number of bricks in the black vertical bar. But is there a way to utilize dots that are all the same size? Maybe not.
3. The vertical bars of the upside-down exclamation and question marks do not match the bars of their regular counterparts.
4. You have used one style for each lowercase a, but a different kind for the ae combination.
Please take a look at my proposed changes shown below:
Great work as always, elmoyenique!
Overall a really great concept.
@meek and the FS Staff: Thanks a lot for this new pink mention!
@Kummaeno: Thanks, pal!
I've changed the "N" and the spanish "Ñ". Do you like?. And some little more changes will come.
Love it!
it looks like people decided to use letters for towels instead of towel hangers
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