tm ajicis

by thalamic
Cloned from tm ajicis original by thalamic.

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It's called ajicis because it is built upon the letters done for the wallpaper of Wipeout 3 game team AG Sys. It has the same grid structure but the letters look nothing like the original.

Also, this FS'tion was started on the phone (because I was too lazy to get off the bed and go to the computer). When I saw potential in the created letters, it was saved and opened on the iPad. The rest of the fs was done there. The only thing that couldn't be done on the iPad was adjusting of a composite brick. (It was fixed on the laptop days later.) So, 98% iPad. 

@RobMeek: The iPad version worked well. However, Menu->Edit->Copy, Menu->Edit->Paste, etc. got tedious. Can we have the menu commands in icon form docked or floating somewhere on (in?) the tablet version? The icons can be half the size of the Tools icons to save space. Also, can the tools and zoom be docked as well on the tablet version? It would be helpful. Thanks. 


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Comment by thalamic 16th march 2023

Very nice experiment, Master! Congrats!

Comment by elmoyenique 16th march 2023

@thalamic - I agree with @elmoyenique: it's quite the mesmerizing design. Congratulations!

Comment by Goatmeal 16th march 2023
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “tm ajicis” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 17th march 2023

Congratulations, Master thalamic!

Comment by elmoyenique 17th march 2023

The letter s kinda gives me chills..

Comment by ian6!! 9th september 2023

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