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Numerous single brick pattern fillers and connectors, ready for you to use/clone/copy/change and put into your own designs or whatever.
All patterns are designed to work as a selection fill. So in other words: the patterns will always look the same regardless of the dimensions of your selected area!
They come in a wide range of styles such as: Retro, Tile, Seemless, Textile, Composite, Glitch, Minimalism
All bricks are stored and saved in the custom brick pallet.
Thanks for the staff pick!
Do you have one with X's going at 30º angles?
@Se7enty: I don't but I can probably make one, why?
So I can be able to use it in a pattern...
Okay I added A couple X bricks, I dont know if that was what u meant but let me know! Also, do you want the legs of the X to be entirely straight or..?
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