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Mhhh, I'd really like to know what this font is based on.

Also, I see the 1 is made to overlap as a teen-indicator, so I think it'd be nice if the 8, 9 and 0 were added too?

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 30th october 2017

For now, you can use the 2 and 5 as 8, and the 7 and 3 as 9...

Comment by anonymous-1466233 31st october 2017

The design is as follows: It is based on English letter frequency.

The space makes a room with four doors. Eight common letters (tnshdlcu) make rooms with doors and open sides. The sh and dt combinations are common in English, so they are designed to combine to make longer rooms. The four most common vowels (aeio) make walls which overlap to cover over doors and sides. The less common letters (mwfgypb) make up the numbers which overlap to fill rooms and indicate what is in a room on a separate sheet of paper. The letter r has a tendency to mix well with other letters in a word so this is the teen indicator. The rare letters (vkjqxz) make hallways. Punctuation makes stairways and other special squares.

The design is intended to take a regular set of text and produce a usable layout without editing.

Comment by jonrgrover 31st october 2017

I have now added the zero.

Comment by jonrgrover 31st october 2017

What about 1 and 11??

Comment by anonymous-1466233 31st october 2017

oh, true, I forgot about 11

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 31st october 2017

Also Q's and X's width are set on 0

Anyway overall, I truly like how the font is doing and I may even need that kind of font for a whatever purpose in a whatever future, so great job. 9/10

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 31st october 2017

Oh, btw, I suggest turning the 6 into a 1 (but on the left side, rather than on the usual right side), so if we combine the 1 and the 5, it'd do a 6 and thus replace what now is the 1.

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 31st october 2017

(and it'd look good to have a "centered" 1 and a "not too wide-spaced" 11)

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 31st october 2017

@XBox Gamer : Your numeral-overlapping to give non-included numeral is a good idea!

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 31st october 2017

I'm actually witnessing the birth of new blocks, and I really like them. ^^

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 31st october 2017

I like the 5+1 = 6 idea. I'll try it.

Comment by jonrgrover 31st october 2017

Well, for me, this works neat.

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 31st october 2017

I just noticied the U's width was set on 0 too.

Aside of this, this seems to go perfect!

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 31st october 2017

Thanks for trying my suggestion anyway! ^^

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 31st october 2017

I just have a question? Why the font heigth is two-bricks higher than the size of a letter? I think it should be the same heigth as a letter so it could be easier to "connect" the "lines" of the map

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 31st october 2017

By the way, the a and o should be like the i and e, or maybe I'm wrong?

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 31st october 2017

Last question, I promise 

Do you mind if I clone the font to improve its design in order to make it more intuitive as well as fixing some mistakes myself instead of flooding the comment section?

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 1st november 2017

Lou, I don't know how to set the height. If I could then I could make the A and O like the I and E by putting blocks above and below the font area. That would improve the font. Do you know how to set font height?

Comment by jonrgrover 1st november 2017

I don't mind if you clone the font. I'd like to see what you do with it.

Comment by jonrgrover 1st november 2017

No, as it's automatically set by the height of the highest glyph. However, I think I meant, by making AO like EI, to make them overlappable. But I'll make that on my clone, thanks you for allowing me!

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 2nd november 2017

Comment by Lou D. (Lou FoxyBun) 2nd november 2017

Nice for Maze generation. I may need to look into this.

Comment by elw123 3rd december 2018

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