The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
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If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
This typeface form is adapted from a typical Indonesian street food meatballs, a round shape on typeface describes the shape of meatballs, which are round and always served in a bowl of beef broth. The distinctive taste of the meatballs is so enjoyable that it has always been a favorite food of Indonesian society.
Hmm.. sebelahnya V... huruf 'Z' atau kah '2' ?
Z Lah soalnya gak ada tingkat kemiringan yang cukup
nice font!
weh keren
Simple and neat, try to equalize the x-height to make it more consistent. Fighting ^^
tebel tipisnya keren bry, good job
'f' letter diffrent from the others
Keren, aku suka gaya hurufnya yang tipis2
konsistensi nya juga udah jelas
keep it up brother
nice and unique!
lucuuuu, panjang p dan q nya seharusnya sama~
great, but the letter 'S' and 'V' should be fixed
classic and consistent! goodjob!
Z nya tingginya ga sama sm huruf lainnya
tp overall bagus kok.
Thanks guys atas comment'nya
Keren braii.. model hiphop.. woeettseehhhh... dance yooo dance dance dance yoo yo yo let's break it up yoo yoww.. comment and like back yaa.. hahaha
huruf Z sma T nya kurang tinggi bry.. tpi designnya sudah baguss
Huruf Z sebaiknya ditinggikan, tapi overall sdh bagus dan konsisten
nice font.. tapi huruf "f" nya keliatan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan font-font yang lain..
Good Font
great font !
This is great. but letters N, T, Z, i, j, l, n doesn't have round shape
tipe huruf "V" nya paling beda sendiri(?)
overall bagus bry!
hurufnya kurang konsisten, dan yg Z nya kurang tinggi dikit
nice font!
very good
Nice font bro! Hnya huruf 'Z' dan 'T' nya aja yang kurang tinggi
apiiik pol bry
Bagus bry, terutama lowercasenya kayak aksara jawa wkwkwk...
bagus, tapi T Z nya kalau bisa ditinggikan
Mirip aksara Jawa yg lengkungan2 itu. Overall bagus. Good Job *thumbs up*
looks good bro! keep it up!
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