The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
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Work in progress.
What a wonderful set of gifts!! A happy festive season to you, too :)
Very festive, I love it! Feliz navidad!
Wow, looks very cheerful!
I love it! It embraces the Christmas season, but it's also fun enough to use throughout the year for celebratory festivities.
Great font! When Christo and Neville Brody get together to celebrate Christmas, this will be under the tree...
@Aeo, winty, cable & QXZ: Thank you very much for your congratulations, but it's only a Xmas font.
@four: You makes me blush once again (please, your mention here about these two greatest artists is too much for me and my little funny job...)
These are really nice packed letters. Each of them a small gift. Very nice idea.
@meek: Thank you very much for this new TP!
@beate: Thanks dear master!
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