fs online

by opipik

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...The reason why they said "inline" can't help me here: This is a little complex Universe. And I'm hopeful waiting the rest of the glyphs.
Comment by elmoyenique 25th january 2014
Interesting indeed and VERY promizing lc! Some remarks though : First, the left and right "balls" on the "T" don't work. Second, i think this work would largely benefit of a different filtering and spacing with more air and clearness. I made some tryouts and here is a sample showing what it looks like with this filtering : 1,5 - 2 - 1,45 - 1,05 and a spacing of 0,3.
I also pulled out the "balls" to the "T" so you can see it's better without. I think it would be less confused like this without losing anything of its inventive weirdness.
Comment by Abneurone Fluid Types 25th january 2014
I like the point of view of AFT .
Comment by elmoyenique 25th january 2014
Comment by opipik 6th february 2014

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