The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
@winty: Sorry, I don't understand what do you mean. This is a solid version.
@elmoyenique: Thank you for your kind comments. Like many of my fonts, this one was an unintended outcome of experimentation. I was working on the upgrade version of Hommage a Escher, when I discovered the hidden potential of letter E. I tested several alternate versions until I spotted this one (now included in Voxelstorm), and thought it could be developed to a new font with distinct character. Distinct character, very important in typeface design, and common feature of your works too. (I'm especially fond of your Western fonts.) I remember your last stencil font, ztrontiumdog eYe/FS, when you had several great ideas in one font, each of them could serve as starting point to new character set. I hope one day you return to that work, and consider all the hidden potentials in it. It took me about 4 years after HaE to make this font a reality. Well, nobody can blame me of being hasty.
@four: More versions coming out. Stay tuned.
@p2pnut: Thank you very much for your comments, my old friend. I wish I could spend more time on FS, and write more comments, as before.
I have a difficult but overall happy year behind me, when I was struggling to find a new job. Now I am financially secure again, and could devote more time to intellectual pleasures, such as fontstructing.
I also had a second thought about your suggestion: you can get a "solid" version by superimposing Voxelstorm Regular 02 and 03. Try it in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator by duplicating the font layer and then changing the font in the new layer.
And sorry for getting so pissed.
very good
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