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Mind you that this font isn't complete yet. I'm gonna add more characters to it and maybe work a little more with the accented characters that I have now because they don't look completely right.
The things that look like tildes, they were supposed to be like just these swirly decorations, I can't really explain it but it exists in some calligraphy styles. But since Fontstruct doesn't handle curves very well, they came off as very angular. Maybe I need to rework that part a little...
I wanted to include different symbols in the font, but couldn't come up with many things associated with vampires (those that are, are the blood splatters and the ¨ which is supposed to be bite marks from a vampire), so I just took symbols that were associated with magic (the celtic knot/triquetra) or dark stuff (the upside-down crosses) in general. Well, there is still garlic and holy water that's associated with vampires, but I didn't want to include stuff that the vampires are weak against. Anyway, what I was thinking with the celtic symbol is that it's somewhat triangle shaped, just like ^. And for the caron/hacek I can have the same thing except upside-down. Maybe it is a problem that they might not be understood to be diacritics, but then I thought that if one writes in a language that uses diacritics regularly, one will understand from the context what the symbols are supposed to mean.
Oh, and I need to fix the spacing between the letters btw. Fontstruct doesn't support kerning, so that's why I let some of the thin, decorative parts of the letters go outside the left boundary. Also, the blank-space is way too thin. Does anyone know what regulates the width of the space?
I can't believe I forgot about the bat! Thanks for reminding. Then I'm also planning on putting actual horns on the Vietnamese letters that have the horn diacritic.
The connecting line on the I and L was something that kinda happened because those two letters are so thin. But that's a great idea you had, maybe people won't mistake that ornament for ~ then. I'll try it...
None of the metrics stay when one downloads? Huh!
I still don't know if I like it better this way ot not, but I guess it's allright.
What's a casket? I can't find that word in the dictionary I'm using.
I hadn't thought about replacing the grave and acute accents with symbols, but maybe I should do that. The reason why in the current form one is so thick and the other so narrow is just because upper left to lower right strokes are different from lower left to upper right strokes, because of the angle of the "pen". Replacing these too with symbols would be a convenient way of getting rid of that problem. I'll try and see what I could do with an ankh.
I haven't seen that anime you mentioned. I checked link, though I couldn't exactly understand what that website was about. Are you supposed to be able to watch the anime for free there?
All right. I'll keep an eye out for that anime if I happen to come across it somewhere again.
I tried making a coffin btw. But it was impossible to do, it just looked like the pope's hat.
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