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Yes, I was at a loss as to what to do with the lower case. Because of pattern dictates, it leaves precious little room for any sort of fine detail of the type that Neurone Error loves so much (see the current # and * here as examples; you have to squint to see them). With little negative space that could contribute to effective letterforms, I'm afraid that a true lowercase would simply be blobs of pattern.
That being said, I will probably take the Solomon approach and split the font into two distinct sets.
Thanks again to you both for the spot-on suggestions!
I agree with your assessment of the lowercase challenge with this set. Here are some suggestions:
• Add unicase alternates in the lc, with or without ascenders/descenders matching the x-height to the cap height. Here are some fontstructed examples:Brain Freeze
Fungal Rounded
Dutch• Go with a very large x-height (say 4/5 of the cap height) and stick to single-story forms for a and g. Remaining problematic glyphs, including e and s, need thinned horizontal strokes (maybe just the middle one) on the order of two rows of diamonds instead of three.
I love the numerals – especially 1 and 2 with their manly upticks. Your 5 demonstrates how apparent negative space starts to vanish when only one row of diamonds is left out. Still lovely, though. :)
I have included the original pattern below, zoomed in so you can see the detail as well as show why there are three rows of diamonds.
I do like the unicase idea and can see how removing one row will help make things easier for a set of lowercase letters.
I do plan on working on the LC in the near future. I've been used to making 8×8 or 16×16 fonts for quite some time now. However, this one had me doing lots of scrolling, so I'm just going to take a little break for now... :^)
It looks like you put a S*** load of work into this! 5[00] stars!!
Taking a cue from MC Escher, I wanted a repeating pattern. I created the initial four diamonds (above) but pared them down to a mere square (below).
I had a difficult time determining how I wanted the letters to look. Taking the easy way out, I made a simple 5x7 font. Treating the square like a pixel block, I proceeded to build each character.
Then, after all of the squares were in place, I went back and copy-pasted the diamond pattern over each one. Extremely tedious, yes, but the template of squares made it SO much easier because I didn't have to worry about any pattern misalignments. If I had built each letter from scratch using only the diamond pattern, it would have been that much more difficult trying to keep things lined up!
Since I am used to making pixel fonts that are only ~8 blocks high, this font was a challenge because it's 138 blocks tall. I am working on a rather old computer where the best resolution is only 1280 x 1024, so this one caused me a lot of scrolling up and down -- something I'm not used to when using FontStruct...
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