fs Ooki Woodcut

by thalamic

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fs Ooki, Woodcut. 21 grid-block tall.

Monospace is my new obsession. Poor W and M.


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Comment by thalamic 25th september 2010
MW... don't worry with the negative line inside... the mw look great even if they are narrowed.
Very nice sample and cool font. 10

You're a good font designer and very original.
I love your work your're very inspiring
Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 26th september 2010
What a compliment! Thanks, Upixel.

Your stuff is cool too. :-)
Comment by thalamic 26th september 2010
Comment by thalamic 26th september 2010
Comment by thalamic 26th september 2010
Photoshop faux-stamp are one thing but in the spirit of the competition, it was only fair to actually hand make it. That was easier thought than done.

Years of making foam-core presentation boards has left me pretty handy with the X-Acto knife. Today I found out the difference between slicing paper vs. rubber. It should have taken minutes to do the stamp; it took hours. The pliability of the rubber is a pretty awesome property...except when you are trying to cut it with a very rusty knife. (It's Sunday. Everything closed.) It took a poke-lift-poke cut to extract the negative space. Four hours later...and my fingers and thumb are still numb.

Technical Notes: The letters had to be flipped-over in print. Illustrator. Tried carving a potato first. That got messy quick. Hunted around for a sturdy, spongy, slice-able material around the house. Found an old inner tire tube. Glued the flipped letters on it and eventually got the separate pieces. The print was at 256pt. It was too small. Should have used a 512pt print. Searched the house for a thing to mount the rubber stamp. Found these 'put the right shape in the right hole' shapes in the discarded toys from when the kids were little. They even had handy grab-knobs on them. Perfect. Glued the rubber on and waited while it all dried. All our current digital cameras are out of order these days. Then I remembered an old forgotten CyberShot that only works on power. Luckily, anal-retentive organization allows me to know where things are usually. Borrowed mom's oil paints and an old dark background shirt. Paint. Stamp. Click. Click. Grab. Edit. Post.

Whew! What an interactive experience. This is the first time I've taken fontstruct live. Awesome! Thanks.
Comment by thalamic 26th september 2010
the font didn't convince me regarding the theme, too much clean and straight to evoke something handmade, you neededto add many photoshop effects to give the feel. But your "real" hamndmade stuff is really cool . and what an epic funny story, it's been good entertainment reading it.
Comment by Abneurone Fluid Types 26th september 2010
quite a realization of the font. perhaps we need a sub-category for best handmade use of font in addition to overall best handmade font. yours is one of the best samples of using the base font in a real-life way. cool stuff.
Comment by funk_king 27th september 2010
Wonderful. The handmade stamps really show what can happen when the digital enters the organic realm. The result is beautifully distressed.
Comment by afrojet 27th september 2010
Exquisite and fine work!
That's verry nice.
Comment by beate 28th september 2010
this is really handmade.
Comment by naveenchandru 4th october 2010
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “fs Ooki Woodcut” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 25th october 2010

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