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Maybe a little too tightly spaced, but that can easily be fixed.
A well deserved TP.
Thanks to all for the feedback.
I apologize for the late reply but my Fontstruc timeshare as been very short lately (by lately I mean the past few months :)
*Blushing again*
Any plans for numerals?
Djnippa, I’ve Changed the “N” back to its original self. Numerals are on their way.
Thank you Funk_king, Frodo7 and Superhuasteco.
Ps: Can anyone tell me what a Polka Dog is? o.0
Thanks, now I get it!
@povlong: I don't know. (that's even more off-topic than the polka dogs)
@bigrua: this font will be updated with numerals and symbols soon.
Polka Dots > Polka Dogs > Poker Dogs
working on the "8" and "3"!
Excellent work.
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