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It's finally ready!
Because NOBODY IN YEARS has made a version of Kapow with all the numbers and accents, so as Thanos would say.... "Fine, I'll do it myself!"
Behold: Kapow Plus Ultra! A complete rework of one of fonstruct's most popular fonts with new tiles for smoother "curvature"; Fully optimized kerning and tracking for usage in comics; And includes all numbers, punctuation, accents, and other characters missing from the original Kapow.
BONUS FEATURES: Mac option symbols supported
Update: Now with extra Manga symbols
@Christian_Munk_(CMunk) You're welcome.
This NEEDS to get featured!
i tried to make lowercase versions of this, but some of them didn't look good.
you forgot some of the glyphs from the original one that you removed.
@SUMMER701 good attempt at lowercase letters, you should try making a full set of lowercase alphabet and I might consider making a full lowercase version in the future...
I didn't see much of a point in keeping the extended cyrillic, as I mainly focused on building up the Latin Extended A and Math Symbol blocks, as I am a Mac user.
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