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@thal and star- Yes, I agree. All of his, uh, 415 fontstructions are brilliantly made and not rushed.
Just a thought, but, hmmmm, I wonder ... maybe funk_king has been cloned! Perhaps there is an army of 'funk_king 'stucters out there :-)
I'd also agree immediately to send out an investigation squad to funk_king's palace. There MUST be some hidden laboratory where he breeds ultracreative and highly productive fontstryborgs that are all sitting with expressionless faces lined up behind computers as far as the eye reaches... Something like that clone planet from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Any Obi-Wan Kenobis volunteering to look into this? ;)
I can totally picture this in copper on green motherboards.
The 1st thing I do when I log in is wonder: What has FK done now?
It´s always gratifying.
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