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Latin sample: Vergil: Aeneid, Book I.
The sample was truncated at 700 pixels. The font needs proper kerning. Not too shabby, though.
Smooth and elegant. I like it.
I've tried this transition for curves, but it makes the arcs thinner...
@elmoyenique: Thank you for your comments. First, you have to realize, that this is a pixel font (although it looks like a dotted font). In the case of a dotted font, you may place the dots wherever you like, and adjust their position in fine increments. As with true pixel fonts, you are restricted by the pixel matrix. Thus, you have to make concessions, because perfect curves are not attainable. In fact, curves and shapes don't really exist in this font, but isolated square pixels. Curves and shapes only emerge in the reader's mind, after connecting the dots/pixels and filling in the gaps.
There are limitations to consider if you want to experiment with a similar design. I couldn't make a simple capital A with straight legs, because it would have been too wide. The same goes with the V and the W. Furthermore, I had difficulty in making some glyphs with curves (B, S, 3, 6, 8, 9). I think their current version is acceptable. I quite like the O, C, and €, however. I plan to add more language support and OpenType features. Kerning is a must.
Beautiful work, the curves look so good in your samples, at first glance I didn't realise the pixels sit in a grid.
@Frodo7 - Beautiful design and execution. Congratulations! :^)
@four and Goatmeal: Thank you for your comments and kind ratings. Yes, this font strictly adheres to the pixel grid. I think it is a big deal. This simple rule will dictate the spacing and kerning as well: adjustments of any kind are only possible by whole pixel increments.
I've completed the small caps (a separate fontstruction); made minute adjustments to the original character set (z, Cyrillic т). I'm working on the extended Latin set (Central European support); adding ligatures, stylistic alternates, old-style figures, some arrows, and dingbats. Later I may support Greek, Katakana, and Hiragana as well. The curvier the script the better.
Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, and Latin Extended-A are now fully supported.
Congrats on the double TP, Maestro!
@Rob Meek: Thank you very much for the special mention. This font was created de novo, not as a modification of existing work. Technically, however, it was started as a clone of another pixel font, which I used merely as a template for the extent of the basic character set. Umbriel is not a scaled-up version of Mallory Pixel in any way.
@elmoyenique: Thank you for your kind support.
WOW! that's a lot of glyphs!
Your pixel fonts are really something special.
> Curves and shapes only emerge in the reader's mind, after connecting the dots/pixels and filling in the gaps.
Couldn't have said it better myself, a true psychovisual effect.
It's similar to how old video games seemed to look better on scanline CRT screens. Great work!
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