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A font in this similar circus style was created back in 2014. Many years ago I went through to clear out some of my less desirable fonts, and it was lost during that time. Thanks to the font databank of Luc Devroye I was able to rebuild the font using the prior sample as inspiration while changing and revitalizing some of the glyphs. It was quite fun to rebuild this font, bringing it back from the grave. Please enjoy
very stylic and lovely!
Fantastic font, congrats! IMHO, I'm gonna to make you some little suggestions: 1 & 2 - You can flip the V and v (because they seems actually an U, u to me), 3 - You can try a new kind of s (with parts of f and g, e.g.), I think your s is too similar to z.
@thalamic & @JingYo, thank you both for your kind words!
@elmoyenique, thank you for the input! after trying a few different configurations, I agree that V and v look better flipped and have made the switch. I also made some updates to the s. Not quite the same as the sample you provided, but the suggestion of using parts of f were instrumental in designing the letter's new design
Very pretty and decorative. Reminds me of wrought iron.
@Neoqueto, thank you! I'll admit the wrought iron was unintentional, but I can definitely see the similarities
@meek, thank you very much for the Top Pick!
Feliz DIA
This is exceptional. bigup!
The S's look weird.
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