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wow, this is beautiful, the lower half of the letters feel reminiscent of petals or leaves
Wow, elmo, wow, this reminds me very much of my visit to the Alhambra with its Moorish-influenced architecture. (Capitals, window arches, floor decorations and marquetry work).
It is not so easy to read, but that's not the point. It is a very fine and impressive approach.
I like it very much: the nice change of line width and curves.
Beautiful work, definitely has a 1001 nights feel to it.
@swashbuckler: The petal or leaves look was not intentional, but it works very well with the overall sense of the font and enriches it. Thank you very much.
@dear beate: You've perfectly captured the meaning of this font that, without openly showing Arabic or Moorish motifs, I've tried to transfer you to those dreamy and magic worlds that I remember when I heard those exotic names (Arabia... Samarkand... Bombay... Smyrna...) in my childhood. And with a modern point of view on all this. Thanks a miiiillion for your continuous support and your ever kindly words, Maestra. ?
@meek: Thank you very much for this new distinction, dear Boss!
@four: As usual, you get me quickly, dear compañero! A big bag full of well deserved thanks for you one more time.
@JingYo: Thank you very much.
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