Latin Reduced

by jonrgrover

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The Roman alphabet has far too many letters. 9 letters can be represented by combinations of others. This font resoves that problem. Letters replaced: FJKQVWXYZ,  Letters used to replace them: BCDEGHIPSU, Other Letters: ALMNORT. Regarding V and B, instead of replacing V with BH, I could replace B with PV (which would be better).

Now that I have the set of letters down to 17, they can be stored in Hexadecimal. So the final alphabet is ABCDE.GHI..LMNOP.RSTU..... Punctuation - 13 symbols: ,-`':()<>!?|. 2 slots left over for other stuff. The space has stuff in it. Do I want that?

There are 32 characters - 17 letters and 12 symbols, a space and two empty slots.


f, j, k, q, w, x, y are removed... Hmm... 

Gotta say, this is an interesting idea!

Comment by toothy7564 9th january 2018

q is removed


Comment by KyooshiFonts 27th april 2018

Actually, hexadecimal uses 16 digits, not 17

Comment by anonymous-1520403 27th april 2018

Why cc for Q instead of cu (cuu)? Q never appears in an english word without a u anyway. Also why ccc for k?

Comment by tsafontstruct 22nd april 2019

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